Monday, June 21, 2010

School Playgrounds

One day last week our fun day choice was to visit a park in North  Des Moines.  We were stopped by construction and not knowing the neighborhood  or the roads, I decided to head home and try another park another day. 

Not willing to give up our fun for the day, passing an elementary school on our way home, we stopped to check out the playground.

Granddaughter's age 6 and granddaughter age 8,  tried everything out at least twice and I was able to take pictures to share with their parents.  Even if the equipment is the same as what the girls were used to, the sizes were a little different and the set up a little different.  The girls enjoyed running from one piece of equipment to another while sharing with me what was different about this one and the one they have at their school.

We were able to spend about 1/2 hour there before it was time to head home to begin supper.  The fun for the day had been salvaged.   The girls were able to say they had a fun day.

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