Saturday, May 15, 2010

The Planning is Half the Fun

Five more days left at my corporate job. Planning for retirement, I was so excited when the years left to work were down to single digit. When I finished that tenth year, only nine years left to go, I couldn’t believe I’d finally made it that close. The years went by and now I’m looking at single digits for the number of days left.
While we are waiting for the traveling to begin, I’ve been doing some shopping. I’m not very good at waiting. Sterilite has come out with some cases that snap shut and have handles built in, 13 ½” X 12 1/8” X 1 7/8. The four cases I purchased are the perfect size to carry colors, a coloring book, and a diary for recording the day’s travel. When school starts in the fall, my grandchildren won’t have any trouble remembering the adventures they had over the summer.

I’ve included some stickers to decorate the outside of the cases, princesses for my granddaughters and dinosaurs and robots for my grandson. Tomorrow I’ll pick up some letter stickers so they can put their names on the outside. I picked up some little coloring books, horses for my oldest granddaughters and animal letters for my youngest granddaughter and grandson. I’ll need to add colors to that shopping list and some No. 2 pencils. I’ll take them shopping when I get to Iowa to pick out the color they want for their writing/drawing diary. My mother always said planning is half the fun of any adventure.


BookWoman said...

Sounds like you are on your way : ) I wish you the best in this new endeavor and know you will have so much fun in Iowa with everyone.
I look forward to seeing new posts in the future, and I'm praying for safe travel for you.

Shaylen said...

I have very fond memories of shopping with My Grandma...all of the "getting ready" for trips and special days was always a big part of the fun.
Your little Grandkiddos will cherish those times with you! Have fun!